The Internet is the greatest public good created by man at the end of the twentieth century. Meanwhile, the Internet as an information and communication technology has become so widely used that the modern world of communications cannot be imagined without it. Being on the Internet today, without adequate protection, for a minute or a day, is the same risk for an unwary individual or for his organization. Loss of control over the computer, loss of parameters for authentication in electronic correspondence, on social networks or in electronic banking, instant messaging services, etc., is something that happens continuously, and users often become aware of the consequences with a delay.
All network users in some way try to protect themselves from unwanted content on the Internet and try to avoid attacks on users’ computers. The most important thing is to preserve the security of the IP address because it is the most important data that protects it from hacker attacks and the installation of malicious programs that can cause great damage.
When we are talking about computer terminology, the term proxy denotes a server that services user requests by forwarding them to other servers. The proxy server is a connection between the user and the Internet. That service separates the end user from the Internet content that the user accesses. It provides different features, security, and privacy, depending on how we use it and what we need it for. Virtual private networks, web proxy services certainly reduce the degree of risk of individual exposure to the loss of digital identity.
The problem of identity protection is multi-layered; it is related to IT culture; habits of the individual; material status. The challenge starts with the operating system (licensed or pirated version), through the software we use for different purposes and the Internet sites we visit. A proxy server is, in fact, a computer on the Internet that has its own IP address, through which the necessary data is redirected. Using this server provides a high level of internet security. It can be configured as a web filter or firewall to protect your computer from malware and other threats from the Internet.
Read below what every computer and Internet user should know about this type of data protection.
Why use a proxy?

The answer to this question is complex because it is desirable to use it for several reasons. One of the main reasons for using a proxy server is the safety of children. How is this possible? Parents can easily set up a server to control and monitor the content of their children. And what is the situation with an institution or company and its employees. This server will simply block access to certain pages.
Increasing speed and reducing traffic
It is certainly useful to improve the performance of network traffic. Proxy servers can perform content caching, thus reducing the traffic (bandwidth) between the client computer and the end server.
Types of proxy servers

There are several types of this server, namely caching proxy, WEB proxy, Web proxy with content filtering, and so on.
The cache is used in conditions where it is necessary to take care of network traffic. Cache proxy records on its disk the most frequently downloaded materials from the Internet.
A web proxy focuses on WWW traffic. Most often, a proxy in this configuration is used when there is a need to cache only web content.
An additional possibility of web proxies is the filtering of page content itself. Some proxy programs also allow blocking access to pages where certain keywords specified by the administrator can be found. The administrator has full control over which sites to allow access, and how much bandwidth consumption will be.
Invisible proxy servers are those for which the client does not need to configure the computer or is often not even aware of their existence. Their work is based on the interception of client traffic and they are common in larger companies. Public proxy servers are also available over the Internet, not only from the local network.
Proxy or VPN?

Very often people equate these two concepts. It is true that both can perform similar actions, such as hiding the IP address, but they are two completely different things – a VPN encrypts all the connections of our computer, while a proxy server will only act on web traffic. The real disadvantage of VPNs is that they are mostly paid while proxies are mostly free. You can learn more about it by visiting
When to use a proxy?
You need to know when and why to use a proxy server. The reasons for using a proxy mainly concern the protection of your privacy, but also the performance of your computer. When you want to protect your privacy while surfing the Internet, you face certain websites that do not allow you access. A proxy is especially useful when you travel to a country whose government has restricted access to some websites.
Ensuring privacy and data protection

The proxy server acts as a firewall and filter, and potential attackers will be able to see only their own IP address of the proxy server, which means that access to personal data and other files will be problematic for them.
Final thoughts
Within the private and business environment, it is possible to encounter the use of a virtual private network on a daily basis. They are used in data exchange and communication between two or more points that need access to private data. In short, a proxy is defined as a local network interconnection that uses secure or encrypted means of mutual communication, usually via the Internet. In other words, it extends a private network over a public network, allowing users to send and receive sensitive data. It is very important to point out that virtual private networks require a good understanding of the security issues of public networks and taking precautions when setting them up. As for their future development, it depends on the development of technology.