We7 is a free MP3 music download service laucned by music rock legend Peter Gabriel, technology entrepreneur Steve Purdham and financial authority John Taysom.
We7 offers free music downloads, but unlike many peer-2-Peer (p2p) or low-cost/no-cost music download sites, every time you download free legal MP3 song or clip from We7 a payment will be made to the artist! They do this by allowing some of the best companies and brands to include their messages with the music tracks you download for free. This is what We7 is all about, giving you the choice of respecting the hard work of the artists and ensuring they get paid for their work so they can continue making great music and movies.

You listen to the ad message (10 seconds or less for Audio), brands pay for this privilege and We7 pay the artists, musicians, actors, filmmakers, comedians and bands. Ads are not always desirable, so as with everything in life it’s a balance and We7 will give you a choice. If you want a music track now with no ad, then We7 will give you a way to buy the track at normal price. If you want to download an MP3 song that is free, legal, safe and the artist gets rewarded then we add the ad. However, you don’t have to have the ad forever, as with We7 technology, after a period of time (4 weeks) you will have the choice to have the MP3 song ‘ad free’!
With no DRM you’ll be able to play your music downloads when and how you like – and even share them (legally) with your friends. Plus being a member of We7 will be completely free.
You may well get all the music you want this way. But you could also get lots of other things – like spyware, viruses and other Internet nasties. Not to mention programs that expose your identity and steal your personal information. With We7, the music is paid for – and you download the free music and videos you want, safely and legally.